First Birthday Gift Ideas

Being totally clueless about what to get my daughter for her first birthday, I'm so excited to now share the wonderful gifts she received. I hope this list can offer some ideas and inspiration to other first time parents!

LeapFrog Shapes and Sharing Picnic Basket

My daughter played with this picnic basket nonstop when we first opened her gifts. It makes fun sounds and songs while also educating on shapes and colors.

Shop Leap Frog Picnic Basket Here-$25

Adora Soft Baby Doll Girl

I had no clue that 1 year old’s love baby dolls until my daughter received this one. She love to snuggle her and even tries to feed the baby doll her bottle, it’s so sweet!

Shop Baby Doll Here-$15

Foam Ball Pit

So, giving a one-year-old a ball pit might have been jumping the gun a bit, but you know what? Every day she is climbing into that ball pit more and more! FYI, you will need at least 200 balls to somewhat fill the bottom of the pit.

Shop Ball Pit- $60 (reg. $93)

Shop Pink & Gold Balls -$23

There are so many more to choose from but these are her immediate favorites. Check out more of her first birthday gifts here!


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